Monday, March 31, 2008

Julie Hyslop

This is the wife of Chris Hyslop, one of the key Influencer leaders in Tulsa, OK. Julie was diagnosed with a brain tumor last week. They need prayers for healing, discernment and strength on this road.


Prayer Warrior said...

We have gotten the call from california and are waiting on a call from the best doc in the world for operation and removal of glioma tumors.

God is all over this.

Prayer needs are:
The doctor to call us soon.
The glioma needs to be a stage 2 in order for no radiation and chemo.
The glioma is in a crucial spot in some areas to be removed totally.
We need the tumor to be removed totally with no damage to Julies left side arm and leg function.
We need God's annointing on all docs and nurses involved in this.
Pray for strength for Julie to endure mentally and physically.
Pray for strength for me and my children and Julies parents.
Pray that the Glory Story will be one that will touch peoples lives for HIM!!!!!!

Julie and I could not put into words the thankfulness for the support our friends have shown us at our greatest time of need. It is all about Him and His Glory. This thing is bathed in prayer and we are so thankful. Please continure to remember us in your prayers to OUR FATHER!!!!

Anonymous said...

Julie is going to San Francisco for brain surgery to remove the tumor on May 8th. The surgery is on May 12th. The doctor thinks he can get the whole tumor. We're praying the tumor will be gone when they do another MRI. It's in God's able hands.