Thursday, April 3, 2008

Jeffery Pollock

Brother's in arms,I've been getting the letters from Pete, now the emails & am excited to see the growth from just the 2 yrs. prior, when I attended groups in the O.C. when I first moved back from Vail to So. Cal.I now live in San Diego, Coronado to be specific, and attend a great little family/military church, Coastal Life Christian Church. I'm asking for your prayers reguarding several matters, spiritually, physically, and materially.

A) Pray for self-discipline & motivation as I am weening off sodas/Coke, and starting a nutrition, excercise, weight-loss program over the next 30 days.

B) Pray for finances & the right transportation vehicle to be brought across my path, as I had to get rid/sell my unreliable Explorer 3-4 wks. ago, and w/ my business, 'mobile massage,' it's hard to utilize public transportation efficiently!

C) Pray for Patience & persistance in finding the perfect commercial space, for the right price/rent, location & ammenities to practice my private massage clientel; along with guidance and decernment in choosing the proper business partners/therapists to work along side.

D) Last, but most importantly, I haven't really connected with men of substanance, especially in the church or that are Christian/Spiritual since I've been back in So. Cal. Nothing wrong w/ men w/ families, wives, girlfriends, etc., but there's a need for 'non-attatched' single guys to get together & discuss challenges of singles out there. I NEVER seem to fit into anyone's 'Family' or 'Dating' schedule w/o feeling like I'm imposing, the 3rd wheel or just another number if it's a big group. Advise, please, if you can assist. Thank you so very much for your time, consideration & most of all, prayer, reguarding these personal matters.

With brotherly love & wishes for Great Health,
Jeffery Pollock, NCTMB

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