Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Brian Harmon

I have been attending the Friday and Wednesday Influencers meetings for a year or two, and I have been diagnosed with cancer in my left rear thigh. It is a Sarcoma, which are seldom life-threatening. I have been in for two weeks of full-time chemo treatments with two weeks of rest in between. It looks like the cancer is dying and I am having mild side-effects, just hiccups now! We may have one more week of chemo before radiation and surgery, but that is yet to be determined.

Pray that the therapy will continue to work and that surgery will successfully remove the cancer with limited destruction of leg tissue.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Friends,
If you want the full story on my cancer, go
For Website Name put BrianHarmon (NO spaces.)
It will ask for your email address.
Then you can read "the whole story," look at what others have said in the guestbood and leave your comments if you wish.
We update it as often as we can.
Thanks ang God Bless You All,