Monday, April 28, 2008

Lori Crowl

Could you send out a prayer request for one of our Journey men (Doug Crowl’s) wife , Lori. She has been fighting breast cancer this past year successfully but last week the doctors saw a spot on her other breast. She and Doug are a wonderful couple and have tremendous faith in the Lord’s healing touch.
Clark Millspaugh

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I am a friend and brother in christ with Chris. Please know you are in my prayers. The three greatest gifts are faith, hope and love. May the holy spirit grace you with the hope of healing, the faith it is done and the love of Christ. As a mother you know the love in your heart for your children. May you feel that love in all you touch, all you see and all you know. May christ provide you, your children and your husband the gifts of faith, hope and love. May Jesus christ step in and be glorified in your healing. Through Christ we pray. Amen.