Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Ken Hirshey

I must tell you. I feel like I have lost a son.
He is in bondage and cannot seem to be able or willing to turn to the Lord and seek Him.
Brandon’s relationship with drugs has torn him apart, terminated our relationship, and broken our hearts.
As John Eldridge says, We need to protect our hearts. Dena and mine is just crushed.
He may have to hit rock bottom before he gets it.



Request by Frank in Tulsa

I also wanted to put out a prayer request for one of our Journey brothers, actually he is more than a journey brother he is my brother-in-law who is going through a huge family issue right now. I ask that you guys think of Jonathan and my little sister and family. They are in the beginning stages of attempting to save their family and marriage. Thanks again for all that you do and be blessed.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Joe Pleasant died

One of our Tulsa Journey brothers, Joe Pleasant, died today after an 8 year fight with Hepatitis and 3 liver transplants. He was a Marine and a fighter, but he also loved Jesus with all his heart. Please pray for his wife, Stacy, who has stood faithfully by his side and has made everyone feel welcome to join Joe's journey. He has a college-aged son, Caleb, and two seventh grade twins, Jacob and Dawson. Joe was 47.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Logan Armstrong

For the Armstrong's:
Here it is about 8:15am Wed morning and I just received a phone call from Shohn and Suzy Armstrong. They are requesting prayers for their son Logan as he is going to have knee surgery this morning. I was kind of shocked about this since I just very recently gave them the name of the doctor I am seeing for my knee troubles. Turns out he needs the knee surgery and needs to have it soon (thus today) if he is going to have any chance to be ready for next years football season. In talking to the Armstrong's, they seemed a little nervous so I asked them about this and Shohn said he is always nervous when it comes to the anesthesia.
They will text message me when things are happening and I will try to get a follow-up report out later this afternoon. Until then, please lift them up in prayer and pray for comfort for both the parents and Logan. Let us also pray for a successful surgery and for a steady hand and mind for Dr Jeff Fox.
Steve Baggett


I found out yesterday that a friend of mine’s brother was seriously hurt in a car accident and is currently in Intensive Care. His name is Michael. He has suffered severe injuries to his body from the accident. Basically, everything below his waist was crushed. Please pray that the Lord will use his supernatural healing powers on Michael and that He will give the doctors the wisdom they need to repair the damage done to his body. Also pray for comfort and peace for Michael and his family. I don’t know Michael personally and don’t know whether he is a Christian or not but he needs our prayers. Michael lives in Nags Head, NC.

Your brother in Christ,

Mark D.

Luis Tineo and his family

Please pray for the repose of the soul of Luis Tineo's Father who passed away on Sunday May 4. Luis traveled to Venezuela where his family still leaves and will be attending the funeral. Please pray for Luis and his family that God will give them peace in these difficult times.

Boris Ivan Pallares

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Emory Hood

Please post this prayer for Emory Hood. Emory is the son of my supervisor at work.

Emory Hood was diagnosed with T-cell ALL in August 2003. He relapsed while still on maintenance chemo in April 2005. He received a bone marrow transplant in Houston at Texas Children's Hospital in June 2005. His beautiful sister, Sydney, was a perfect match and his donor. He did great until June 2007, when, during his routine 2-year post-transplant testing, his doctors found signs of a very early relapse. He received 5 days of chemo and then an infusion of Sydney's lymphocytes. He remained cancer-free until February 2008, when his leukemia returned. On April 10, 2008 Emory received a second bone marrow transplant, this time using his mother's stem cells. Pray and think God thoughts!

Michael F. McCann