Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Logan Armstrong

For the Armstrong's:
Here it is about 8:15am Wed morning and I just received a phone call from Shohn and Suzy Armstrong. They are requesting prayers for their son Logan as he is going to have knee surgery this morning. I was kind of shocked about this since I just very recently gave them the name of the doctor I am seeing for my knee troubles. Turns out he needs the knee surgery and needs to have it soon (thus today) if he is going to have any chance to be ready for next years football season. In talking to the Armstrong's, they seemed a little nervous so I asked them about this and Shohn said he is always nervous when it comes to the anesthesia.
They will text message me when things are happening and I will try to get a follow-up report out later this afternoon. Until then, please lift them up in prayer and pray for comfort for both the parents and Logan. Let us also pray for a successful surgery and for a steady hand and mind for Dr Jeff Fox.
Steve Baggett

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