Wednesday, May 7, 2008


I found out yesterday that a friend of mine’s brother was seriously hurt in a car accident and is currently in Intensive Care. His name is Michael. He has suffered severe injuries to his body from the accident. Basically, everything below his waist was crushed. Please pray that the Lord will use his supernatural healing powers on Michael and that He will give the doctors the wisdom they need to repair the damage done to his body. Also pray for comfort and peace for Michael and his family. I don’t know Michael personally and don’t know whether he is a Christian or not but he needs our prayers. Michael lives in Nags Head, NC.

Your brother in Christ,

Mark D.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I found out this morning that the doctor came in yesterday and told Michael that most likely, they will have to amputate both of his feet. As you can imagine, he is very distraught over this news. Please continue to pray for him and pray that the Lord will intervene and his doctors will be able to save one or both of his feet. Michael is 31 years old.

Your brother in Christ,

Mark D.